Inaugural Meeting, KEK, Japan, 3-4/Jul/2008
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 Open meeting for the proto-collaboration

  Program ( Joint IR/PXD/SVD session )







Friday 4 July 2008

08:30 Self introductions
08:40 IR (Interaction region), detector-machine interface, beam pipe M. Iwasaki (Tokyo) [pdf]
09:00 Short introduction to Super Belle Geant4 and optimization of the vertex system T. Hara (Osaka) [pdf]
09:25 Overview on pixel layer requirements G. Varner (Hawaii) [pdf] [ppt]
09:45 Pixel simulations, backgrounds A. Frey (MPI) [pdf] [ppt]
10:00 Overview of pixel detector based on DEPFET and common issues: expected performance, backgrounds L. Andricek (MPI) [pdf] [ppt]
10:20   Coffee
10:30 SOI T. Tsuboyama (KEK) [pdf]
10:40 CMOS G. Varner (Hawaii) [pdf] [ppt]
10:50 Data acquisition C. Lacasta (IFIC-Valencia) [pdf]
11:10 APV25 readout, Chip mounting, repeater, FADC M. Friedl (HEPHY Vienna) [pdf]
11:25 APV25 test beam results C. Irmler (HEPHY Vienna) [pdf] [ppt]
11:40 DSSD R&D in Kyungpook H. Hyun (Kyungpook) [pdf]
11:55 Other DSSD R&Ds T. Tsuboyama (KEK) [pdf]
12:00 Schedule and Milestones T. Tsuboyama for Z. Natkaniec
12:10 General discussion & contingency

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