Inauguration of the Detector Collaboration for SuperKEKB
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 Open meeting for the proto-collaboration
 4go-kan seminar hall, KEK, Japan /  March 19th and 20th, 2008


For those whom staying in KEK Dorm.


For those whom staying in Urban hotel.

Please get to the Tsukuba Center as the general guide in the above, then take a taxi to the hotel. The cost is around 3,000 yen.
The following will help you.

(Click an image for a larger view.)

In the morning of the meetings, we will prepare a specially arranged bus and car. Please meet at hotel front at 8:40 AM on 19th, 20th.

  19th : by hotel bus service
  20th : by KEK staff (a KEK staff will pick you up)

We KEK staff will take you to the hotel in the evenings.