Inauguration of the Detector Collaboration for SuperKEKB
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 Open meeting for the proto-collaboration
 4go-kan seminar hall, KEK, Japan /  March 19th and 20th, 2008








Wednesday 19 March 2008

09:00 Opening address M.Yamauchi [pdf] [ppt]
09:10 Precocious signals of the Beyond in Flavor Physics A.Soni [pdf] [ppt]
09:50 Interesting Signals in B and Tau Decays A.Datta [pdf]
10:30   Coffee
10:50 Physics program at SuperKEKB M.Nakao [pdf]
11:30 KEKB Roadmap K.Oide [pdf]
12:10   Lunch
13:40 Vacuum system Y.Suetsugu [pdf] [ppt]
14:10 IR design Y.Funakoshi [pdf]
14:40 RF system T.Kageyama [pdf] [ppt]
15:00   Coffee
15:20 KEK Roadmap of future program A.Suzuki, KEK-DG
16:00 Requirements to the detector P.Krizan [pdf] [ppt]
16:30 PXD H.Hoedlmoser [pdf]
17:00 DEPFET technology for vertex detector Hans-Guenther Moser [pdf] [ppt]
17:30 SVD T.Kawasaki [pdf]
18:30   Reception

Thursday 20 March 2008

09:00 CDC S.Uno [pdf] [ppt]
09:30 TOP K.Inami [pdf] [ppt]
10:00 iTOP/Focusing DIRC G.Varner [pdf]
10:30   Coffee
10:50 A-RICH I.Adachi [pdf] [ppt]
11:20 ECL A.Kuzmin [pdf]
11:50 Rate capability Studies for RPC based KLM E.Nakano [pdf]
12:20   Lunch
13:40 Trigger/DAQ R.Itoh [pdf]
14:10 Detector simulation N.Katayama [link]
14:50 Scintillator based KLM P.Pakhlov [pdf] [ppt]
15:20   Coffee
15:40 Possible collaboration with Karlsruhe T.Mueller/M.Feindt [pdf] [ppt]
16:10 Near future scenario M.Yamauchi
16:30 Group organization T.Iijima [pdf] [ppt]
16:50 Free discussion T.Browder [pdf] [ppt]
18:30 Adjourn