Inaugural Meeting, KEK, Japan, 3-4/Jul/2008
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 Open meeting for the proto-collaboration








Thursday 3 July 2008

09:00 Opening address M. Yamauchi (KEK) [pdf] [ppt]
09:15 Clean signatures of new physics(NP) in B decays R. Sinha (Chennai) [pdf]
09:50 Charm Physics at the KEK Super B factory S. Pakvasa (Hawaii) [pdf]
10:25   Coffee
10:50 Light Higgs in Upsilon(nS) decays R. Dermisek (IAS, Princeton) [pdf]
11:25 A new solution for the baryon asymmetry of the universe problem W.S. Hou (NTU) [pdf] [ppt]
12:00   Lunch
13:20 Status of the accelerator upgrade H. Koiso (KEK) [pdf] [ppt]
13:50 SuperB and SuperKEKB Y. Ohnishi (KEK)
14:20 Beam background study M. Iwasaki (Tokyo) [pdf]
14:40   Coffee
15:00 silicon R&D and experience at FNAL R. Lipton (Fermilab) [pdf]
15:25 Experience with silicon detectors and module construction at HEPHY Vienna T. Bergauer (Vienna) [pdf] [ppt]
15:50 European Initiative towards a Pixel SVD for SuperBelle C. Kiesling (MPI) [pdf]
16:05 Chennai group in the Belle upgrade R. Sinha (Chennai) [pdf]
16:25 Report on participation from Japanese nuclear physics T. Nakano (RCNP, Osaka) [pdf]
16:45 Wayne State Plans for the KEK Super B Factory G. Bonvicini (Wayne State) [pdf1][pdf2] [ppt1][ppt2]
17:00 KEK group in the Belle upgrade S. Uno (KEK) [pdf] [ppt]
17:15 Announcement [pdf] [ppt]
17:30   Party

Friday 4 July 2008

08:30 Detector parallel session IR/PXD/SVD [link]
09:00 Detector parallel session PID [link]
09:00 Detector parallel session ECL [link]
10:00 Detector parallel session TRG/DAQ [link]
12:30   Lunch
13:30 IR M. Iwasaki (Tokyo) [pdf]
13:35 PXD H.G. Moser (MPI) [pdf] [ppt]
13:50 SVD T. Tsuboyama (KEK)
14:05 CDC S. Uno (KEK) [pdf] [ppt]
14:20 PID I. Adachi (KEK) [pptx]
14:40 ECL A. Kuzmin (BINP) [pdf]
14:55 KLM P. Pakhlov (ITEP) [pdf] [ppt]
15:10 DAQ/TRG R. Itoh (KEK) [pdf]
15:30   Coffee
16:00 Statement from KEK-DG A. Suzuki (KEK) [pdf] [ppt]
16:30 Overview of the study report Y. Ushiroda (KEK) [pdf] [ppt]
16:50 G4 activities T. Hara (Osaka) [pdf]
17:10 Computing at LHC H. Sakamoto (ICEPP) [pdf] [ppt]
17:35 Summary T. Browder (Hawaii) [pdf] [ppt]
18:00 Collaboration issues [pdf1][pdf2] [ppt1][ppt2]
19:00 Adjourn